Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body's energies and facilitates our own profound healing capacity, thus promoting optimal health and well-being.


"The truth is that within each of us lives the power to cast all misery aside and to KNOW complete Peace and Oneness to BE that beautiful creation of perfect harmony to truly KNOW (Help) MYSELF." Mary Burmeister

Simply put, Nancy introduced me to a gentle yet effective form of healing and ease through Jin Shin Jyutsu.  She has been a friend, practitioner, leader and one of the most influential forces in the healing of my life.  Nancy helped me see and benefit from Jin Shin Jyutsu more than a decade ago.  I respect and value her devotion to Jin Shin Jyutsu and its numerous benefits.  She even came to our family home and used Jin Shin Jyutsu on some of my family members during our time of grief and sadness when my dad passed away.  She is a remarkable person.  Karen C.

Nancy is a caring and thoughtful healer who has helped me with a myriad of health problems over the last couple of years. She helped save my marriage during a dark time, improved the symptoms of my daughter's Lyme Disease flare, kept me from having to take antibiotics when I had a sinus infection, and she continues to deliver stress relief to me on a regular basis. Her approach is gentle and accessible, and while I don't understand exactly how it works, I am a wholehearted believer in JSJ.  Melissa

Nancy has treated our son with a severe spinal cord injury regularly for a couple of years. Since he has been treated with Jin Shin Jyutsu he rarely gets sick anymore.  This is such a blessing as when he used to go to the hospital with an illness, he would inevitably contract a staph or another virus and end up staying for a long time.  He loves the sessions and is calmer, has more flexibility, less pain, more regular bowel movements and is happier in general.  Nancy has taught us the gift that will forever be in our hearts, the wonderful gift of touch.  We love her for that.  Sue & Peter

Nancy has been a powerfully important person in my life.  Her Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments have helped me for almost 20 years.  I know my body tolerated chemotherapy and other cancer treatments in a much more positive way due to Jin Shin Jyutsu.  Learning to "Heal myself" from her teachings, which I practice every day, has kept me healthy, energized and loving life!"  Claudia W.

I was quite surprised that my debilitating migraine headache went away in less than 15 minutes.  I had been home in bed all weekend, not eating, a pounding headache and exhausted.  I called Nancy and she accommodated me right away.  I did not have another migraine headache for many years after just one Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment which I consider a miracle!  Tina K.

I attribute the Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions I had with Nancy to my successful full term pregnancies.  Before Jin Shin Jyutsu I could not carry a baby for more than 10 wks and had 5 miscarriages.  As Nancy says Jin Shin Jyutsu helps the body do what it's meant to do.  I feel very blessed with two beautiful healthy daughters.   Stephie L.

I can't think of a more compassionate, caring practitioner that I would want to go to than Nancy. I have had many sessions with her over the past 15 years for various reasons. After a session I feel rested, full of life, more positive, optimistic about my health, happy, clear minded and more flexible. It feels particularly wonderful to my stomach which has been problematic for me since birth. I feel fortunate to have found someone so gifted that I feel safe with. Truly amazing!  Diana D.

I was scheduled for surgery for very painful plantar fasciitis. I had a session with Nancy and the pain dramatically diminished. Nancy instructed me in a self-help JSJ technique to help the condition and after 10 days of doing it every day I was painfree and cancelled my surgery! Dan

Nancy is a very caring and inspirational person.   She has a healing touch that comes through in her Jin Shin Jyutsu.  She is very knowledgeable about energy, the body, and teaches Jin Shin Jyutsu so that people can help themselves.  She is an amazing woman and what she does comes from her heart to help people.....and she truly does!  I am very grateful to her for helping me over the years with my physical ailments!   Jody B

Extraordinary! That word best sums up the healing I have received from Nancy and her JSJ treatments. I started receiving JSJ from her for Lyme Disease; I had followed the traditional medical route of prescription drugs for several months, all to no avail. The instant I began receiving JSJ from Nancy, there was a distinct improvement in my symptoms, and after a series of treatments all of my lyme symptoms disappeared. (It is now 5 yrs later with no reocurrence) I also experienced unexpected and profound healing from some past physical injuries which was a bonus. I discovered that JSJ brings healing to all levels of our body, mind and spirit!  Mary M

Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions with Nancy feel phenomenal and I always leave very happy. I honestly believe that it keeps me going, keeps my body on track, keeps me grounded and calm, and puts me at ease about my health. I have chronic fatigue and many body aches and my body just loves this energy.  One specific example recently was that I came to Nancy with a severely injured foot which was very swollen and black and blue.  Nancy worked on my lymphatic system among other things and at the end of the session the swelling was significantly less, the discoloration was barely noticeable and I could walk without pain.  I don't know what I would be like without Nancy's healing sessions!  Phyllis D.

Nancy is an accomplished and clear practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, a system of healing that is non-invasive and very accurate.  Nancy has had many years experience using this technique and is most understanding and considerate of one's concerns.  Best of all, every week Nancy teaches me simple hand placements which I can easily and effectively use at home.  I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking improved good health and well-being.  Helen G. (Helen wrote this in her mid 90s and experienced excellent health. She died at home in her sleep at 102)

I have known Nancy for many years as both a student and client of Jin Shin Jyutsu.  I first met Nancy when she was teaching an Introduction to Jin Shin Jyutsu class at Acton Adult Education.  It was her capacity to connect with the subject and with her students, which peaked my interest in Jin Shin Jyutsu and started my life long study.  I have taken several Self Help classes with Nancy.  She has the ability to communicate the subject in a relaxed, informal setting, where she is enthusiastic, positive, encouraging, professional and clearly targeted on her subject.  I’ve continued to learn from Nancy at periodic Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments – she is always eager to share her knowledge.  Doreen L.

My sessions with Nancy got me through my pregnancy with success!  Previously I couldn't get pregnant or if I did would miscarry. So when my mother was scheduled for heart surgery because she had fluid around her heart I brought her to Nancy the day before the surgery to calm her down. To our amazement and joy when we went to the hospital the following day for pre-testing the fluid was gone, they canceled the surgery and sent her home! Shelly



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